Who We Are

Founder, Leaza, has a strong belief that nature cures most. By sharing her knowledge, she hopes to empower others to use nature to improve their lifestyle. She recognizes the need and demand to create and expand natural personal care and home care products to reduce consumer exposure to industrial and cosmetic chemicals. She also recognizes the demand for more information on how consumers can safely do this at home for themselves and their loved ones which is why she founded Self Verve.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to educate those who want to have and use natural personal care and home product alternatives that will help maintain and improve their health. By offering natural products and providing information on natural ingredients, we meet the needs of the future for people today.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to give more information and resources on natural ingredients and give more access to natural products to improve and maintain the quality of life for consumers worldwide.

Culture and Values

Integrity, generosity, honesty, patience and confidence are at the core of Self Verve. We always stick to these values no matter the impact on business growth. To build on these values, we abide by the following:

  • Create high quality products for human use using natural ingredients
  • Providing products that the majority of people can afford
  • Manufacture our products using great manufacturing standards or better
  • Providing useful information on natural ingredients and natural remedies
  • Distribute information on numerous platforms so that everyone has an opportunity to gain this information
  • Deliver consistent, respectful and friendly service to anyone we interact with.

About Self Verve

Self Verve means self love. At Self Verve, we believe that people should have the ability to love who they naturally are. Our purpose is to help you to love your natural self. We do this by offering natural products and an abundance of ways to enhance your natural beauty. Inside and out. We believe nature cures most and we are dedicated to finding natural substitutes for your personal care and home care and showing them with you.

What’s With the Lotus Flower

We have chosen the lotus flower as our logo because it stands for purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. The lotus flower’s roots are buried in murky, dirty water, yet, when the flower emerges out of the water, it is untouched by the water and is a beautiful flower.

We all come from different walks of life, have different stories and different backgrounds. We all have a story to tell. But no matter the circumstances, we can still emerge to be beautiful beings.

About Me

I have always been interested in how nature works. Everything is put on this planet for a reason. Almost every disease has a cure. Through the years, I have incorporated nature into my lifestyle. If I got a cold, I mix up a natural remedy to fight mucus and congestion. If I get a blemish on my face, I’m reaching for a homemade toner. Even the food that we eat can have an impact on our moods and hormones.

I was facing a hard time in my life (as so many of us do at one point of another) and I was experiencing several anxiety and panic attacks. I wanted to find natural ways to calm myself down.

I focused on meditation, binaural beats, breathing exercises. They all helped tremendously, but some of these measures take some time to take effect and I needed immediate relief, especially at work.

That is when I re-stumbled upon the many benefits of essential oils. I did my research on which essential oils I needed to give me the relief I desired. I made a mixture of essential oils and put it into a nasal inhaler. If I felt anxious or felt an attack coming on I would simply inhale the mixture of oils and immediately went into a relaxed state,

I thought to myself, “Wow! These are amazing I wonder what else essential oils can help me with.” And my research continued. I put together multiple essential oil blends and found out more was to dig myself out of the hole I was slowly falling deeper into.

A few months go by and I’m feeling much better, but I still needed something, like an outlet, to distract my ever curious and ever wandering mind. This is when I thought of my long-lost love of writing. Then, I came up with yet another idea.

Why don’t I mix my love for writing with my love of nature and natural remedies. Maybe, I could reach and help at least one person that is now going through what I once went through. The feeling of not being good enough. The lack of self-confidence. Wanting to find natural alternatives before getting prescribed medication with ingredients that can’t be pronounced.

So now, I get to hopefully help you. With a combination of a business degree, a cosmetology license, the love of writing and being a natural enthusiast, I want to share with you as much information and natural remedies that I can. Hopefully, it will encourage you, and others, to make the change to natural remedies and products with ingredients you know and can pronounce.