Home » Carrier Oils » The Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin and Hair

If you are looking for an all-around carrier oil with many benefits for your skin and hair, almond oil may be your best solution.

An excellent skin moisturizer, almond oil is also known to improve skin tone, reduce inflammation and rejuvenate skin. If you have sensitive skin, this oil may be a great solution for you due to its mild hypoallergenic properties.

When applied to the hair, almond oil not only moisturizes and conditions, it also improves scalp health, promotes hair growth and can prevent breakage.

I love using almond oil in my skin care and hair care products. It offers so many benefits and is one of my favorite carrier oils for my essential oils.

Will almond oil be one of your favorites as well? It just might be once you find out more of what it can do for your beauty.

What is Almond Oil

Almond oil, also known as sweet almond oil, is cold pressed from ripe sweet almond nuts. The nuts are harvested from trees that originated in southwest Asia and the middle east. In recent times, the trees can be grown in California as well.

It is a lightweight oil that can be used on the hair, skin and scalp. Rich in omega fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals, it makes a great carrier oil for essential oils. It can be used alone or can be mixed in other skin care and body care products or even with other carrier oils to give you the benefits you desire.

Almond oil is a mild hypoallergenic meaning it is safe to use on sensitive skin and even baby skin. It can be applied to the skin and is best absorbed when the oil is at body temperature.

Skin Benefits of Almond Oil

Skin Rejuventation

If your skin needs a little pick me up and some life to it, try using a little almond oil. It contains a large amount of vitamin A which can be used to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. It has the ability to stimulate production of new skin cells and can even smooth fine lines. If you want softer skin, this oil has the ability soften the skin.

Having emollient properties, almond oil also has the ability to give you softer skin.

Helps Prevent Skin Damage

Going to be out in the sun and need an added layer of sun protection? Use almond oil which contains an abundance of vitamin E and antioxidant properties. Vitamin E helps prevent cell damage from the external environment and help reduce UV damage to the skin as well as reverse sun damage. This oil also contains Omega-3 fatty acids which can fight against UV rays as well as prevent premature aging.

Improves Skin Complexion and Skin Tone

Try applying a little almond oil to those pesky scars, dark marks and stretch marks and watch them diminish over time.

This oil also has emollient properties and contains vitamin E which helps skin become softer and smoother over time. With regular use, it can eliminate dark spots, blemishes, scars and stretch marks.

Because almond oil is an emollient, it can help new stretch marks from forming by making skin softer and allowing skin to stretch mare easily. This is especially helpful for a little bundle of joy that is constantly growing causing the stomach to stretch rapidly.

Apply to the areas of skin that are prone to stretch marks every time the skin feels dry.

Treats Dry Skin

Tired of having dry, flaky skin especially during those winter months when the cold air and heating can dry out the skin?

Due to the emollient properties in almond oil, it can soothe and hydrate the skin giving an overall better appearance and relief from the dryness.

It is considered a great carrier oil for those suffering with eczema and psoriasis. Simply warm a few drops of oil in your palms and rub it on your skin or affected areas for relief.

Hydrates Skin

Of course, if almond oil can treat dry skin, it makes for a good skin moisturizer. It locks in moisture and keeps skin glowing. It gives an added and desired dewiness look. When skin is hydrated, it gives an overall better complexion and even skin tone.

Reduces Skin Irritation

Skin irritation is annoying and painful and can be caused by several different things such as allergic reactions or simply having fry skin. Almond oil can calm the skin if it is itchy and swollen due to irritation. It can give a quick fix until a permanent solution can be found. It can also give skin an extra boost in moisture that can help relieve irritation.

Improves Acne

The retinoids found in almond oil can help reduce the appearance of acne as well as improve cell turnover. The fatty acids dissolve excess oil on the skin and the anti-inflammatory properties can decrease inflammation.

Facial Cleanser and Moisturizer

Almond oil is great at removing toxins and dirt from the pores. It has the ability to dislodge debris that gets caught deep in the pores and follicles. It can prevent future acne breakouts due to the vitamin A content. Almond oil can act as a barrier that blocks the entry of microbes into the skin.

Softens Rough Hands and Feet

Zinc that is found in almond oil can help smooth rough, calloused skin. Fortunately, no handprints will be left behind for almond oil is a lightweight oil that absorbs easily into skin.

If you want softer feet faster, apply almond oil to your feet and apply socks afterwards. Not only will it help prevent slipping and sliding and dirt being stuck to your feet, but the heat that gets trapped in the socks will add to the softening process.

Hair Benefits of Almond Oil

Hydrates Dull Hair

Sweet almond oil is rich in fatty acids and is able to penetrate deep into the hair shaft. If hair is over-processed, or lacks luster, applying a small amount of almond oil can help moisturize and nourish hair making it smooth and silky.

Place a few drops of oil into palms and rub them together to evenly distribute. Run hands down the the length of damp hair. This will help hydrate hair and prevent fly-aways.

Smooths Hair Texture

Say goodbye to frizzy hair! Frizzy hair is hair’s way of searching for moisture from its environment and telling you it needs moisture. Using almond oil as a leave-in conditioner to hair can lock in moisture and reduce frizz.

Strengthens Hair

Heat styling, coloring and even simply brushing the hair can be brutal on our gentle tresses. But hey, the cost of beauty right?

Lucky for us, almond oil is here to help infuse the hair with nutrients and moisture to get rid of dry and brittle hair. This makes hair nourished, hydrated and strong which, in return prevents breakage as well.

Promotes Hair Growth

Almond oil contains a good amount of vitamin B7 (biotin) which helps thicken and grow thinning hair. It can reactivate dormant hair follicles and assist in follicle regrowth and keratin production. When almond oil is applied directly to the scalp, it can bulk up hair.

To help with hair growth, try a relaxing scalp massage with almond oil. Scalp massages can help relieve tension, stimulate blood flow and circulation and encourage products to penetrate in the hair follicles.

Simply add oils to scalp and gently massage scalp with fingertips or an electric massager for a few minutes before washing your hair.

Fights Inflammatory Scalp Conditions

Antibacterial properties found in almond oil can help reduce inflammation caused by an array of ailments. As a lot of us know, this can be very irritating, itchy and painful.

One of the most common scalp issue is dandruff, which is caused by excess yeast growth. Using almond oil on the scalp can reduce inflammation especially when paired with essential oils such as tea tree, chamomile or eucalyptus.

If scalp is raw, irritated or inflamed, try mixing almond oil with an anti-inflammatory essential oils (in a 1:1 ration) and apply it to the scalp. If you want to reduce dandruff, mix with lemon essential oil.

Beauty Benefits of Almond Oil

Helps With Brittle Nails

Brittle nails occurs from dryness. Almond oil can help hydrate hands and nails. Proteins found in the oil can help strengthen soft and brittle nails.

Add a few drops of almond oil to your fingertips and gently massage the oil on your cuticles down to your nails.

Healthy, hydrated cuticles also help improve nail health.

Moisturize Chapped Lips

The same way almond oil helps moisturize skin and keep it moisturized, it can do the same for chapped lips. Chapped lips can be painful but applying almond oil to them can help moisturize and lock in moisture on the lips. Because this oil is deep penetrating, relief is almost instant.

If you want softer and smoother lips, apply almond oil to the lips after exfoliating them wit6220h a gentle lip scrub.

Reduces Dark Eye Circles

If you suffer from dark under eye circles, applying a few drops of warm almond oil can help reduce the appearance. By applying a few warm drops under the bottom eyelid before bed, you can wake up and expect to see brighter, less puffy eyes.

Almond oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can also help ease swollen skin around the eyes.

Makeup Remover

Believe it or not, almond oil is a common ingredient found in many natural makeup remover products. To remove makeup, apply a small amount of almond oil into your palm. Warm the oil up by rubbing your palms together.

Using your fingertips, gently apply the warm oil to where makeup is. Use cotton balls or a dry washcloth to remove the oil and the makeup. Afterwards, wash your face with your favorite cleanser.

Face Scrub

You can make your own homemade scrub with almond oil and fine sugar that can be safe to use on sensitive skin.

Simply mix almond oil with the sugar in small amounts into a slurry mixture. You can add a few drops of essential oils that are good for the skin (rosehip, lavender, rose, geranium or lemon to name a few) as well for added benefits.

Mix well and apply to damp skin. Gently exfoliate skin in soft, circular motions. Rise with warm water. You may need to rinse twice to remove the oil.

You can leave a little oil on the skin to help moisturize.

NOW Solutions, Sweet Almond Oil

Viva Naturals Almond Oil

Handcraft Almond

Almond Oil Precautions

Almond oil is generally safe to use on the skin, hair and scalp. Those who have nut allergies shouldn’t use it. If you are using sweet almond oil for the first time, it may be best to preform a patch test before full body application.

Sweet almond oil has a slow absorption rate and is known to be non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog pores.

If you choose to use almond oil for a leave in, don’t add a lot to hair strands. Doing so may cause the oil to get hard and coat the hair cuticles. This may remove hair’s natural shinny state causing hair to become dull and can create tangles.

Summing It Up

For the hair, almond oil is a great oil for all hair types and for those that have dry, brittle hair. It adds nourishment to hair and follicles and helps lock in moisture. It can promote hair growth, strengthen hair and smooth hair texture. It can help essential oils get their benefits to your hair and scalp improving hair and scalp health.

Sweet almond oil has been helping with dry and oily skin for centuries. This nutty carrier oil can be added to products you already use or can be used as a standalone oil. It is known to be a carrier oil that can help essential oils deliver their contents to your skin. This oil can be used to help clear up skin and remove dirt and debris that may be deep down in your pores without clogging your pores.

What have you or will you use almond oil for in your beauty regimen? Let us know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. Neither Self Verve nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. Be sure to contact your physician before trying any of the items stated in the above article.