Home » Essential Oils » Freshen Up On The Benefits Of Peppermint Essential Oils

Peppermint is a minty, fresh oil that has been used for its cooling ability. It can be inhaled, applied topically or ingested. Peppermint oil is a generally safe oil to use, and many of us use it without even knowing. This oil is known to help clean nasal passages and relieve allergies. But what else can it do?

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What is Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is a very versatile oil that is extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant. It is one of the oldest European herbs and has been used for hundreds of years for its anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. It has and still is used aromatically, topically and internally to help soothe and address a number of ailments. Ranging from headaches, seasonal allergies, digestive problems, skin, hair and mental health peppermint oil can help.

Peppermint is a hybrid plant of water mint and spearmint. Menthol is the most active ingredient in peppermint, giving the leaves their energizing and invigorating effects. It is used for its soothing effects on the gastric lining of the colon and for its anti-nausea benefits. It can be used to relieve sore muscles, freshen breath and help fight infections. Here are few more reasons to give peppermint essential oil a try. 

Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil

Respiratory Relief

If you are feeling a bit under the weather or have congestion, try diffusing 5 drops of peppermint oil in your diffuser to help unclog your sinuses and relieve your scratchy throat. Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant and can help the body get rid of mucus, clear up congestion and open up our airways. It is one of the best essential oils to use for the flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, cough, asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Seasonal Allergy Relief

Peppermint oil is great at relaxing muscles, even the ones in our nasal passages. It can help clear out pollen and other pollutants from our respiratory tract during allergy season. Because of its expectorant, invigorating and anti-inflammatory properties, peppermint oil makes for one of the best essential oils to use during allergy season.

Reduce Nausea

If you are suffering from nausea for whatever reason- from motion sickness to surgery recovery- you can use peppermint oil to help relieve your nauseous feeling. You can simply inhale peppermint oil directly from the bottle, use an inhaler for nausea, rub 1-2 drops of oil behind your ears or add 1 drop of oil to a glass of distilled water.

Improve IBS Symptoms

If you suffer from IBS, or irritable bowl syndrome, then you know the symptoms of stomach cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea is no laughing matter and can seriously cripple you for quite sometime. By taking peppermint capsules, drinking peppermint tea or eating peppermint leaves, you can help naturally treat IBS. Peppermint oil reduces spasms in the colon, relaxes the muscles of the intestines and helps reduce gas and bloating.

Increase Energy and Improve Exercise Performance

Fitness and exercise can be a great way to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety, but sometimes, it may be a little hard getting motivated to move and workout. By inhaling peppermint oil a few times, you can enhance your physical performance and boost your energy levels. Give yourself that little push during weekly workouts.

If you plan on taking a long trip, or need a little more focused attention, peppermint oil can help with that as well by improving memory and alertness. 

Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain

Peppermint oil can be used as a natural muscle relaxant and pain killer due to the cooling properties and anti-spasmodic properties found in this oil. It works great when trying to combat the pain of tension headaches. The next time you are feeling pain or tension, try applying 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil to the area of concern 3 times a day. You can also add it to bath water with epsom salt to give yourself a nice, relaxing, pain relieving bath.

Headache Relief

You can help relieve tension headaches or migraines naturally by using peppermint essential oil. Tension headaches are caused when our muscles tense for long periods of time. Peppermint oil has the power to relax these tensed muscles and also improve circulation to help get blood flowing.

By simply applying 2-3 drops to your temples, forehead and back of your neck, you can start to relieve those annoying and painful headaches. 

Boost Skin Health

When applied topically, peppermint essential oil has toning, anti-inflammatory, softening and calming effects. Peppermint oil has anti-septic and anti-microbial properties. This can prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. It has been proven that peppermint oil has the potential to treat skin diseases. These diseases include chicken pox, greasy skin, dermatitis, itchy skin, sunburn, ringworm, blackheads, inflammation, acne and scabies.

Promote Hair Growth and Reduce Dandruff

Menthol, an anti-septic agent, is one of the main active ingredients in peppermint essential oil. It can help remove germs and build up in your hair. It is used quite often in high quality hair care products for that reason. Peppermint oil can also naturally thicken and nourish damaged hair. This can be a great natural alternative for thinning hair and can help stimulate the scalp and energize the brain.

Sun Protection and Relief

Out in the sun too long and now you are suffering from dry sunburnt skin? Use peppermint essential oil to help hydrate and relieve pain from your sunburn. Before heading out in the sun for long periods of time, apply peppermint oil to your skin to help prevent sunburn in the first place.

Oral Health and Fresher Breath

Peppermint oil has antibacterial properties that can help eliminate bacteria and fungus that can lead to bad breath, cavities or infection. These cavities and infections can lead to poor dental health and of course bad breath.

Naturally Repel Bugs

Wanting to enjoy the great outdoors but don’t want to be bothered by pests? Or are the pests invading your home? Good news! You can repel these critters naturally with peppermint oil. Pests like roaches, mosquitos, spiders, ants and even mice don’t like the smell of peppermint oil. It may even be effective towards ticks and lice.

Cliganic Peppermint Essential Oil

Florona Peppermint Essential Oil

Gya Labs Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil Precautions

If used correctly, peppermint oil is considered safe to use. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to dilute the oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil for topical use. If this is your first time using peppermint oil topically, perform a patch test before full body application.

Peppermint oil can cause irritations when applied to the face or chests of infants or small children, so it should be avoided in those areas. Not enough evidence is known if peppermint oil should be recommended for pregnant women or nursing women. It’s best to consult with your physician before use.

Keep in mind that some over-the-counter and prescription medications may adversely interact with peppermint oil. Be sure to consult with your doctor or physician before use. Enteric-coated peppermint oil supplements may cause rapid dissolving which can lead to heartburn, nausea and rapid absorption of some medications.

Peppermint oil can reduce absorption of iron when taken simultaneously. Allow at least 3 hours between taking the two to help avoid this.  

Summing It Up

Peppermint essential oil is a fresh and minty oil from the peppermint leaves. This oil has menthol as one of its main ingredients. Menthol gives the tingly feeling of this oil as well as the anti-bacterial properties. If used correctly, this oil can give us many benefits to add to out natural lifestyle.


What was you experience with peppermint essential oils? Let us know in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. Neither Self Verve nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. Be sure to contact your physician before trying any of the items stated in the above article.